An Introduction to Confident Learning: Finding and Learning with Label Errors in Datasets
This post overviews the paper Confident Learning: Estimating Uncertainty in Dataset Labels authored by Curtis G. Northcutt, Lu Jiang, and Isaac L. Chuang.
A collection of 8 posts
This post overviews the paper Confident Learning: Estimating Uncertainty in Dataset Labels authored by Curtis G. Northcutt, Lu Jiang, and Isaac L. Chuang.
The Benchmarking Keras PyTorch GitHub project benchmarks every pre-trained model in PyTorch and Keras (Tensorflow). All benchmarks are reproducible.
03/07/2019 This post is in the all-time highest ranked posts on Reddit in the r/MachineLearning forum. 03/21/2019 Updates: Amazon links added for all parts. Added Blower-style GPU, faster/cheaper M.2 SSD, and other options. 04/16/2019 Update: A better build is available...